All over the world, we see this phenomenon of populist leaders who make use of religious discourse of religious legitimations, and theological justifications for their political rhetoric. In India, Modi uses Hinduism to create a sense of national identity, but also to exclude other religious identities. In Russia, Vladimir Putin is maintains close relations to the Orthodox Russian church. In the United States, Donald Trump compares his legal troubles to the persecutions of Christ.

Three very different cases, but is there also a common thread? The UCSIA Summer School tutors – Jayeel Cornelio, Jennifer Eggert, and Vlad Naumescu shine their light on the topic: How do populists make use of religion? How do they use it as a legitimation tool for their political rhetoric? Which elements of religion do they emphasize? Are there other elements that they neglect? Is there a certain selectivity in how they adopt the religious discourse?

Journalist Liza Cortois directed the conversation.

You can now watch the replay of the panel debate!

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